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First day of the traditional gastro festival in Župa dubrovačka


'Župski pjat' started with a rich programme - a walk through the vineyards and a workshop about carob!

The traditional gastronomy festival 'Župski pjat' started this Thursday with two exceptionally interesting programs. Visitors, blessed with the beautifull sunny weather, gathered at Malaštica, Mons Vardia, to take a walk through the Vardia Vineyards. After touring the vineyard and olive groves, our host Ivica Vlašić generously treated us to his wine and olive oil, produced at his family farm, which is also adorned with excellent reviews from both locals and visitors of our county.

The first day of the Festival continued with the nutri-gastro workshop 'Carob, Cubed' at the Ruzmarin Gastro&Bar restaurant, which united knowledge of carob cultivation and processing, its impact on health, and its gastronomic preparation.

During the workshop, which lasted an hour and a half, all present were introduced to carob through an exceptional lecture by Mirna Sentić (Mirna Nutrigurman), who conceptually organized a dynamic lecture and workshop '3D Dimensions' on this important traditional plant used in Mediterranean cuisine. 

The second day of the Festival, Friday, April 26, continues with a cooking class at Mikki Kojaković's home, an Australian who has been living and working in Župa dubrovačka for twenty years, creating her widely known cooking classes for locals and foreigners. Mikki's Croatian Kitchen is a family-operated business dedicated to offering homemade, handpicked, and crafted Croatian products, with all ingredients coming from the local area or grown directly on their farm. Mikki's Croatian Kitchen promotes ecological practices and social responsibility in the truest sense of the word.

Mikki Kojaković enthusiastically agreed to be part of the festival, as did the ethnologist and curator of the Ethnographic Museum of the Dubrovnik Museums, Ivica Kipre. In collaboration with the Museums, our lecturer has prepared a lecture titled 'Ovo meso pečeno, dočekajmo veselo! (Meat dishes in the traditional calendar of Župa dubrovačka)'.

Ivica Kipre explores the role and use of meat in the traditional gastronomy of Župa dubrovačka, following the cycle of annual and life customs. The presentation also covers folk terminology, names, recipes, as well as the socio-cultural context of the preparation and consumption of these somewhat forgotten dishes today. The specificities of the traditional gastronomy of the Župa dubrovačka region are compared with those of Dubrovačko Primorje and Konavle, thus revealing their similarities and differences.Special emphasis is placed on traditional pork meat products and their preparation methods. 

The lecture will take place at the Portun Restaurant on Friday, April 26, at 7 p.m. Entrance is free!

The programme of the first 'Župski pjat' festival is co-financed by the Tourist Board of Župa dubrovačka, and throughout the festival days, you can visit two exhibitions - tools once used in homes of Župa dubrovačka at the Flamingo Restaurant and posters of the Župa Carnival (Župski karnevo, selection) at the Bistro Pizzeria Kapo. During Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, a documentary about the tradition of Župa dubrovačka will be screened at Ruzmarin Gastro & Bar, and all days of the festival, participating restaurants offer traditional Župa dubrovačka menus.

For more information, you can visit the official festival website, as well as social media. Welcome to Župski pjat!


Tourist board of Župa dubrovačka is available to guests as well as private owners and other interested throughout the year.

During the summer season office is open all day. The guests can use the info desk in the office, miscellaneous materials, brochures and maps.

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Šetalište dr. Franja Tuđmana 7, 20207 Mlini
+385 (0)20 486 254
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Monday - Friday: 8AM - 4PM
Saturday, Sunday and Holidays: Closed

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